What We Do

Over a two-day period each spring some 3,000 kids, their families and friends, about 10,000 persons in all, from all over SW Washington and the greater Portland area, gather at Salmon Creek Park/Klineline Pond in Vancouver, WA to help children experience fishing, playing outside, and learning about our natural environment and water safety. The Klineline Kids Fishing Derby is the largest event of its kind in the state of Washington. 


We think our fishing event impacts the lives of the children we serve. We see it in their happy faces; we hear from children and parents that return a second year. We see success in increasing numbers of children that participate each year, as well as increasing numbers of volunteers and sponsors who contribute in some way to make this community event a success. In fact, some of our members have been volunteering here for the last 30 years!


In 2012 we were honored to receive a “Spirit of Clark County” Award. You can view it on You Tube.  Our segment is featured between 3:20 and 5:00 minutes on the video. 

Mission and Purpose


Klineline Kids Fishing Nonprofit was formed for the charitable purpose of assisting children, including low-income, under-privileged and disabled children to help themselves learn how to be more sustainable by being equipped and educated in the fundamentals of fishing. The Klineline Kids Fishing Nonprofit will facilitate further education on how to be safe while on or around bodies of water.

Klineline Kids Fishing Nonprofit organization seeks to create the stewards of our future fisheries by introducing the youth of our community to the joys and thrills of fishing as both an individual and family activity, while also becoming more aware of our amazing outdoor environment and natural resources.

For almost 40 years various organizations have hosted a kids and family fishing event at Klineline Pond. And for the past 9 years the Klineline Kids Fishing Nonprofit organization, its sponsors and volunteers, has organized and led the event  and show local youth how to bait a hook, make a cast, land a fish, clean the catch and learn about our natural resources  in an effort to engage today’s youth in fishing, one of America’s greatest past-times. Klineline Kids Fishing Non-profit organization believes that fishing is a skill that is meant not to be learned, but to be shared, passed on from generation to generation by those that love the sport and the great outdoors. In addition, the event features educational sessions hosted by our partners like Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, Clark Public Utilities, US Fish & Wildlife, Columbia Springs, Fire District 6, and sport fishing groups to help our youth learn more about fishing, our natural environment and to experience the joy of playing outdoors. In addition to the annual Klineline Kids Fishing event, Klineline Kids Fishing Non-profit provides fishing rods and reels to several other area kids fishing programs, including:

  • Columbia Springs Kids Fishing Festival
  • Fort Vancouver Kids Fishing
  • “I’m Hooked” @ Horseshoe Lake
  • Merwin Special Kids Fishing
  • Lake Merwin Kids Fishing
  • Streeters Resort @ Silver Lake
  • Woodland Moose Lodge @ Horseshoe Lake